



为学院内外使用校园设施制定指引 groups.


All external customers, requesting use of 博天堂官方 facilities for an event, will need 填写事件请求表单. 

所有内部教师、职员、管理员都需要使用此活动申请表进行申请 所有团体,俱乐部或特殊事件使用.  学业安排需要通过 课程与排课经理.


  1. Priority 1 – College instructional and board activities, including:
    1. 定期安排学分和非学分课程、实验等.,由讲师授课 教师:由学院批准或雇用并列入每季课程的;

    2. Credit classes will have priority over non-credit classes, then

    3. Online courses and irregularly scheduled seminars, workshops, contracted training, etc.,由讲师授课 approved or hired by the college and/or enrolled in by tuition-paying students or students for whom the college claims FTE; and

    4. Board of Education, Budget Committee meetings, and Foundation Board. These meetings 有大学董事会的优先权吗.

  2. 优先事项2 -学院会议和活动,包括:

    1. program advisory committee meetings and college and student councils and committee meetings;

    2. extra-curricular activities supported and funded by instructional/student services units; sanctioned (officially recognized) student activities and clubs; faculty, classified, and management association meetings; college staff meetings; 博天堂官方基金会 meetings; and

    3. 其他州机构、代表或地区社区大学相关的正式会议 groups.

  3. 优先3 -非营利组织活动,包括:

    1. tax-exempt charitable, service, publicly-funded, or special interest organizations.

  4. 优先级4 -私人组织活动(需要总裁或指定人员批准); including:
    private commercial organizations or private organizations and individuals.   


  1. 优先事项1和2
    不收取设施租金. 支持活动的直接和间接成本 are assumed to be included in the college budget; however, there may be instances 发生预算外直接费用的,在这种情况下,可以 被收取费用.

  2. Priority 3
    除非总统豁免或修改,否则收取“附表A”设施租金 or designee.

  3. Priority 4
    除非总统豁免或修改,否则收取“附表B”设施租金 or designee.

  4. Waiver of Fees
    可免除或修改优先事项3和4的设施费和/或押金 be made by the president or designee based on the following criteria:

    1. 对学院和/或对社区的服务有切实和明确的好处 (不仅仅是促进“商誉”);

    2. 学院从活动中产生全职工作机会;

    3. the college has a reciprocal agreement or partnership with the user; or

    4. 学院赞助了这次活动.

      To evaluate instances of waiver or modification of fees, departments will maintain 被给予豁免或修改的组织或个人的文件 给予放弃或修改,以及出于何种目的.

  5. Direct Costs
    房间租金只包括房间使用费. 与设施有关的额外直接费用 use, including expenses associated with the following, may be assessed:
    1. 设备(介质和其他);

    2. 电脑的使用;

    3. utilities when events occur outside the regular college schedule; or

    4. 排班、定制安装、房间设置、开/关、门卫的人工费用; excessive use of table linens, and supervision of specific 博天堂官方 facilities.
  6. 预订和取消费用
    1. 租用特殊房间/空间(厨房、实验室、商店和活动中心)的决定 由特定的房间/空间经理决定.

    2. 在收到订金之前,优先3和优先4的预订是暂定的 优先权3和优先权4的用户可以取消预约,并在日历12日之前退还订金 除了论坛(F-104)和罗素·特里普表演中心, 哪些需要30个日历日的取消通知. 所发生的直接费用 college before cancellation 会向优先级3和4的用户收费吗.

    3. Priority 1, Subsection 2, and Priority 2 reservations will be considered tentative to allow the college to rent to revenue-generating customer At the time a Priority 3 or 4 user requests a reservation of space tentatively reserved for a Priority 1, 第2款,或第2优先活动,会议服务将与各方合作 试着把它们放在合适的位置.

  7. Deposits
    预估房间租金和餐饮费用的50%作为押金 会向优先级3和4的用户收费吗. 另外,预估预付款 可能需要直接费用.

  8. Damage
    In instances of damage to the facility or extensive cleaning costs resulting from the activities or events, the sponsoring organization will be held accountable and 评估任何必要的维修和清洁费用.

  9. Billing
    使用设施或特殊服务的费用将在活动结束后收取. 个人或组织未在30个日历日内汇出应付款项 may be denied the use of facilities or services until the account is paid in full.

  10. 租金收入的分配
    租金收入将50/50分配给一般基金和辅助/部门 funds.


  1. 时间、地点和方式要求
    Use of 博天堂官方 facilities is to follow Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and 博天堂官方的自由表达方式.

  2. Scheduling
    学生团体必须填写《博天堂官方》 事件发生前. Events in the courtyard shall be scheduled with the Public Safety Office. Events in the Calapooia Center conference rooms shall be scheduled with Conference Services. Events at the Activity Center, Benton Center, Lebanon Center, and Russell Tripp Theater shall be scheduled with the administrative office at the respective 并输入事件管理系统(EMS).

  3. 优先级重新安排
    学院保留将低优先级用户转移到其他学院设施的权利 这将容纳他们.

  4. 定期会议
    Non-college organizations will not be permitted to hold regular weekly or monthly 在林本顿社区学院举行会议. 每次使用将被安排.

  5. 宣传及保安
    非学院赞助活动的宣传必须由副校长审查和批准 财务总裁 & Operations. 如果没有学院的工作人员主持人在场 在整个活动期间,收费应足够公安机关允许 雇佣员工来监控这一事件.

  6. 房间分配
    Users scheduled in a lower priority category may be reassigned after consultation 在活动开始前10天通知受影响的一方. 重新分配意味着活动 may be moved to a different facility that will accommodate the activity.

  7. Limitations
    优先级3的使用者将被限制连续两天使用大学的主要设施 during weekday periods when credit and non-credit classes are in session. Special arrangements may be made during summer for consecutive-day usage.

  8. 访客使用设施.
    1. Visitors, after their visit, shall be responsible for cleaning up and removing all 把垃圾和垃圾扔到指定的地方.

    2. Visitors may not sell any goods or services on campus without the express approval 总统或被任命者的.

    3. 访客应随时遵守学院的管理规定 and regulations that govern public access to, and use of, college facilities.

  9. 美国残疾人法案
    校外组织在校内或校外设施内开展活动的,应当 注意并负责提供适当的便利(具体到…… the class, workshop, or activity) as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    1. Marketing materials must indicate availability and invite requests for accommodati 住宿 and auxiliary aids and services must be provided free of charge to 残疾人士.

    2. All materials must be available in alternative formats as needed.

  10. Food and Drink
    1. 食品事件审批和食品处理
      所有涉及准备或提供食物或饮料给员工,学生, 或公众必须在活动前批准并遵循本顿或林恩县 临时食品摊位指引. 学生活动由学生生活部批准 和领导能力. Events on all Albany Campuses shall be approved by the Culinary Arts, 餐饮服务经理,在庭院或活动中心举行的活动除外. Events in the courtyard shall be approved by the Public Safety Office. Events at the Activity Center, Healthcare Occupations Center (HOC), Advanced Transportation & Technology 中心(ATTC)和科瓦利斯校区应得到活动协调员和 各中心的行政办公室. 所有参与食品准备工作的工人 必须持有有效的食物从业员许可证,而负责监督的人士亦须持有有效的食物从业员许可证 活动全程必须在场监督食品安全,确保食品安全 遵守县所有食品安全规定. 所有食物必须在现场准备 或从认可的来源购买. 家庭准备的食物不能提供给 public. 可与博天堂官方食品服务部门作出安排,提供所有食品和食品安全 监督奥尔巴尼校区的活动.

      Culinary Services Arrangements for food service in the Calapooia Center conference 房间或厨房设施(见附录1中的设施)必须通过 会议事务办公室. 在烹饪课程提供的时间内 catering services 博天堂官方 has right of first refusal on catering services.   Organizations 从其他渠道寻求卡拉波亚中心会议室的餐饮服务必须 first have permission from the Culinary Arts, Food Service Manager.

    2. 酒精服务
      博天堂官方的酒精服务程序旨在使学院有能力提供 complete meal and beverage services for special social, cultural, and educational gatherings. All such activities shall be in keeping with all Oregon State Laws and OLCC规定. Parties interested in serving alcohol shall contact Food/Conference Services and complete a Request for Approval to Serve Alcohol on 博天堂官方 Campus. Permission 是由总统或指定人员批准的吗.

    3. Vendors
      独立销售或与优先权联合销售某物的实体 3 or 4 event. It can sell services, products, or a combination of the two to businesses and consumers.

      所有供应商必须提供保险证明并签署设施使用协议 通过会议服务.

      Vendors that are not sponsored by 博天堂官方 or working in conjunction with a priority 3 或4事件将收取最低$50.00.

  11. Prohibitions
    1. 允许在博天堂官方设施或学院财产内饮用酒精饮料 根据董事会政策的规定

    2. 只允许在指定的吸烟区吸烟. 抽烟、吃东西、喝酒 是不允许在剧院舞台上,在管弦乐队坑,或在剧院座位 area. It is expected that the users will make this rule known to all participants 并将执行规则.

    3. In the theater, potentially hazardous activities, especially those associated with 未经明确批准,不得安装灯光、音响和索具系统; 和/或在博天堂官方剧院工作人员的直接监督下.

    4. 校园内不允许举行葬礼. 葬礼是一种仪式 与死者的遗体或火化的遗体一起举行的纪念仪式 允许在没有尸体或火化遗体的情况下进行服务.

  12. Liability
    用户将免费持有博天堂官方,不承担任何索赔. 博天堂官方被释放和排出 由保险承保的危险引起或引起的所有索赔和责任 on the property, or covered by insurance in connection with property or activities 在财产上进行的,无论损坏或损失如何.

  13. Denial of Use
    团体、组织或个人可能会被拒绝或限制使用大学 facilities. Decisions concerning such matters rest with the college President's Office 或者是总统指定的人. 不符合上述条件或不符合 遵守学院的政策或管理规定,可能导致将来的使用 设施被拒绝.


DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 03/02/85; 10/19/88; 06/15/93; 10/20/98; 11/16/99; 07/18/00; 01/14/03; 05/20/03; 09/20/05; 10/07/08; 02/03/09; 05/02/11; 03/01/12;

01/10/13, 12/1/16; 01/10/18/0501/2023; 05/24/2023; 06/12/2023

DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 12/1/16; 01/10/18/05/01/2023; 05/24/2023; 06/12/2023